On Tuesday 31st of May, three verifiers (Stavros Vlachos, Vasiliki Sideri and Colm O’Conor) of EMICERT team, participated in the first of a series of Training Events, which take place throughout 2016 in Brussels, organized by the European Commission DG Clima.
The objective of the event, was to provide training on uncertainty assessment for representatives from the EU ETS Competent Authorities (CAs) and a limited number of Verifiers. The training was build on the Commission’s EU ETS Monitoring and Reporting Regulation guidance documents GD4, GD4a and (parts of) GD7 and involved real-life case studies, which were discussed in small groups between members of MS Competent Authorities and several members of Verification Bodies that were accepted at the event.
The training event was completed drawing to several interesting conclusions regarding raised issues during the discussion of the main sessions and the workshop.